Subnautica cyclops nuclear reactor
Subnautica cyclops nuclear reactor

subnautica cyclops nuclear reactor subnautica cyclops nuclear reactor

All Item Icons converted to Linear Color Space and now imported without sRGB correction.Raised ILZ Corridor temperature to ~50Â☌.Updated several drillable and resource models.Fixed vehicles becoming undocked in the Moonpool when modifying a base.Fixed player surface splash effects being played when breaching in a vehicle.Fixed players being harmed by Gaspods when they're in a vehicle.Fixed issue where the water plane would be visible in a Moonpool created above the ocean surface.Optimized texture memory used by the chargers UI graphics.Changed the depth indicator to not change color with depth.Fixed scale of resources / drillable models.Fixed issue with creatures swimming in circles if target is right above/below.Added choking sound for player in smoke.

subnautica cyclops nuclear reactor

Create new model and fx on limestone, sandstone, basalt, crashpowder and shale.Fixed performance with with Gaspods accumulating in the world.Fixed Seadragon firebreath attack damage to Cyclops.Added FX to Nickel Lead and Uraninite drillables.

Subnautica cyclops nuclear reactor